News Articles

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Image for news article &pound;5.8million EU funding &ndash; Just the ticket for 53 new buses


£5.8million EU funding – Just the ticket for 53 new buses

Transport Minister, Danny Kennedy and Enterprise Minister, Arlene Foster have announced that they have secured an EU investment of £5.8million to help meet the cost of 53 recently purchased Translink buses and coaches.Speaking at the...

Image for news article Overend lends support to Moyola Park AFC defibrillator appeal

General, Sport

Overend lends support to Moyola Park AFC defibrillator appeal

Ulster Unionist Assembly Member for Mid-Ulster, Sandra Overend, is happy to support the fundraising drive by Moyola Park AFC to buy a defibrillator for the club’s Mill Meadow facility in Castledawson.  Although one of Northern...

Image for news article Ulster Unionist praise for Londonderry and Limavady Show


Ulster Unionist praise for Londonderry and Limavady Show

Ulster Unionist politicians have praised the ‘hard work and dedication’ of the County Londonderry Agricultural Show Society following the massive success of this year’s Show held recently at Aghanloo, Limavady.  Commenting Ulster Unionist MEP Jim Nicholson...

Image for news article McKeegan condemns attack on Apprentice Boys Hall


McKeegan condemns attack on Apprentice Boys Hall

Foyle Ulster Unionist Ronnie McKeegan has condemned the continuing attacks on the Apprentice Boys Hall in Londonderry. The Chair of the Foyle Ulster Unionist Association commented; “The latest attack on this hall is just one of many...

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