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Image for news article Statement from the Ulster Unionist Party

General, Europe

Statement from the Ulster Unionist Party

The following motion was passed today by the Ulster Unionist Party Executive: The Ulster Unionist Party believes that on balance Northern Ireland is better remaining in the European Union, with the U.K. Government pressing for further...

Image for news article Kennedy condemns bomb attack on Prison Officer in East Belfast


Kennedy condemns bomb attack on Prison Officer in East Belfast

The Ulster Unionist Party’s Justice spokesperson, Danny Kennedy MLA, has condemned this morning’s bomb attack which targeted a Prison Officer in East Belfast.  Mr Kennedy said:  “Once again terrorists have sought to murder an innocent man, simply...

Image for news article Ulster Unionists condemn desecration of South Armagh Memorial

Dealing with the past, Victims

Ulster Unionists condemn desecration of South Armagh Memorial

Ulster Unionist Party representatives Danny Kennedy MLA and Councillor David Taylor, have condemned the desecration of a cross placed at the spot in South Armagh where UDR Soldier James Elliott’s body was found following his...

Image for news article Ulster Unionists condemn East Belfast bomb attack


Ulster Unionists condemn East Belfast bomb attack

Ulster Unionists Andy Allen MLA and Councillor Chris McGimpsey have commented following a bomb explosion in East Belfast. Andy Allen MLA said: “This is not the news anyone wanted to wake up to this morning. ...

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