News Articles

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Image for news article DUP have been a disaster for the Union


DUP have been a disaster for the Union

UUP Leader Steve Aiken OBE MLA said: “The DUP’s leadership has been an absolute disaster for pro-union politics.  They have lost the pro-union majority at Stormont and placed Northern Ireland on the window ledge of...

Image for news article Ulster Unionists welcome approval for Ballyclare Relief Road

Regional Development, General

Ulster Unionists welcome approval for Ballyclare Relief Road

Local Ulster Unionist Party representatives, including the Party Leader Steve Aiken OBE MLA, Councillor Vera McWilliam and Councillor Norrie Ramsay have welcomed the Infrastructure Minister’s decision to approve the Northern Section of the Ballyclare Relief...

Image for news article Swann commends emergency response to Mourne blaze

General, Health

Swann commends emergency response to Mourne blaze

Health Minister Robin Swann has commended firefighters from the Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service (NIFRS) during a visit to the command centre in Newcastle. The Minister met with firefighters and other emergency responders who continue...

Image for news article The Protocol has undermined what we negotiated in 1998 - Empey


The Protocol has undermined what we negotiated in 1998 - Empey

Ulster Unionist peer, Lord Empey, has been appointed to the House of Lords European Affairs Sub-Committee on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland. The first meeting of the Sub-Committee took place on Wednesday. Lord Empey said: “I am...

Image for news article We must not ease up against virus &ndash; Health Minister

General, Health

We must not ease up against virus – Health Minister

Health Minister Robin Swann has called for a concerted community-wide effort against COVID-19, as Northern Ireland prepares to gradually ease out of lockdown restrictions. The Minister said everyone has a key part to play in maintaining...

Image for news article Department publishes updated COVID-19 Response Strategy

General, Health

Department publishes updated COVID-19 Response Strategy

The Department of Health has published an update on its COVID-19 Response Strategy, detailing the wide range of actions undertaken in response to the pandemic. The document outlines key work initiated in different spheres including: new...

Image for news article Minister announces nursing and midwifery training places

General, Health

Minister announces nursing and midwifery training places

Health Minister Robin Swann has announced more than 1,300 nursing and midwifery pre-registration training places at Northern Ireland universities this year. The commissioning retains the number of training places at the overall record high of 1,325,...

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