Swann highlights importance of piping and drumming to genealogical tourism

Ulster Unionist Culture, Arts & Leisure spokesperson Robin Swann MLA has highlighted the importance of maximising the Tourism possibilities from Northern Ireland’s reputation as a world class piping and drumming venue.   

Speaking at DETI Questions at Stormont, North Antrim representative Mr Swann said:

“Northern Ireland is famous for the top class standards of its local piping and drumming community as has been proven by the recent European and World Championships and the success in various classes of bands such as the Field Marshall Montgomery who were crowned world champions for an eighth time.  

I was keen to impress upon the Minister of the need for her Department to invest in this particular aspect of genealogical tourism so that the many piping and drumming enthusiasts in the Ulster Scots diaspora and indeed in the Scots diaspora throughout North America, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere are aware of this aspect of our history and culture.

I will continue to press upon the Minister to provide resources to promote Northern Ireland as a piping and drumming destination.”


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