McCallister calls for cross-departmental approach in dealing with suicide

Ulster Unionist Health spokesperson, John McCallister MLA has called on the Executive to take a cross-departmental approach in tackling the growing suicide rate in Northern Ireland.

Speaking following a debate on the matter, the South Down MLA said:

“World Suicide Prevention Day provides us with an opportunity to look at how we deal with the growing rate of suicide in our society.  This is one of the biggest challenges we face today as tragically, the numbers of people taking their own life in Northern Ireland continue to grow.’

“Suicide has been on the rise in Northern Ireland for the last decade, specifically within the male 15-34 group.  Indeed a recent QUB report revealed that the rate of suicide within middle aged men has almost doubled since the Good Friday Agreement.’

“This makes for shocking reading and highlights the need to effectively tackle this problem now, before more people lose their lives where prevention techniques could have been successful.’

“This is not an issue that the Department of Health should be expected to weather alone, we desperately need to see a cross-departmental approach.  Direct investment and focus on things such as jobs creation in areas most affected by suicide will help to alleviate that sense of hopelessness that leads to many taking their own life.’

“Suicide prevention is a topic that has been debated many times in this Assembly, yet the rate of suicide here continues to grow.  I hope that we can use today as a marker to begin to take real action.’

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