McGimpsey disappointed at Foster’s complacency

Ulster Unionist MLA Michael McGimpsey has expressed his disappointment at the complacent attitude of the DETI Minister Arlene Foster at Question Time at Stormont.

The South Belfast representative said:

“I have to express my disappointment at the complacent attitude of the DETI Minister Arlene Foster at Question Time.

The Minister failed to grasp the impact that unemployment is having on 66,000 people and their families and does not appear to realise the need to raise the number in employment from 67 per cent of the work force to the UK average of 71 per cent.

I was stunned to learn that four years into a recession Invest NI have finally managed to produce a plan for small businesses.  Can the Minister explain why it has taken so long for something so basic to be produced?

Northern Ireland and its people are suffering terribly as a result of this recession.  What is needed is evidence of both the willingness and the ability of those in Government to address the situation as a matter of urgency. At Question time today, the Minister, Arlene Foster displayed neither.”


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