McCrea demands action not words to tackle lack of participation in Education

Ulster Unionist MLA Basil McCrea has called on the Minister for Employment & Learning to ensure that his statement regarding a Higher Education: Regional Strategy for Widening Participation is followed by action to tackle a lack of participation by various groups, including Protestant males in areas of high deprivation.

The Lagan Valley MLA who is Chair of the Stormont Employment & Learning Committee, said:

“The Minister’s statement was very comprehensive. I very much welcome the focus on tackling a lack of participation by young Protestant males in areas of high deprivation which seems to be a perennial problem and highlighted by every report which is produced.

It is absolutely essential that the talking stops and the delivery starts so that we can make a positive difference to the lives of the people we are trying to help.

I am very keen to find out just how the Minister proposes to measure “participation” by the groups he is targeting. I note that, towards the end of his statement, he stated his intent to revamp the reporting structure in all of this and I am interested to know how he is planning to do that.

My second point is that it seems to me that the crux of all of improving participation is about improving environmental and family support. We need the Minister to tell us how the strategy will get to individuals it needs to and, specifically, to their parents and people in their peer group to encourage them to take forward education.

It is not enough to merely say that, aspirationally, we want to do this. We need to know specifically, how the Minister plans to reach those people."


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