Ulster Unionists widen campaign to guarantee Belfast Heathrow airlinks

Ulster Unionists have today widened their campaign to guarantee Northern Ireland's airlinks with the national hub airport at Heathrow.

Lord Empey said:

“In Brussels MEP Jim Nicholson has tabled 9 amendments to EU Commission proposals on airport landing slot allocations. These amendments, in concert with the Private Members Bill which I brought before Parliament to give HMG powers to intervene to ensure regions can be guaranteed access to Heathrow (HMG has no such powers), will ensure that whatever Willie Walsh or any airline boss says is backed up by law.

HMG is saying that changes must be made in Brussels before it will be legal for London to intervene should the need arise.

I have written to new Secretary of State to seek a meeting to progress this issue as she was the aviation Minister before her appointment to Belfast.”


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