Overend commends Police for Magherafelt drugs seizure

Mid-Ulster Ulster Unionist MLA Sandra Overend has commended the Police Service of Northern Ireland for their actions in seizing £380,000 worth of drugs during a planned search in Magherafelt on Tuesday night.   

Mrs Overend said;

"The entire Mid-Ulster community will be delighted and relieved to learn that the Police have seized 38 kilos of cannabis worth £380,000 in Magherafelt on Tuesday night.   

Drugs are blight on our society and drug dealers prey on our young people without care for the misery that they bring. It is absolutely vital that the entire community unites to give the Police every assistance to thwart the activities of the dealers.

It is the role of the Police to tackle the supply of drugs, but it is the role of the community to remove the demand. As long as people are prepared to pay for illegal drugs, unscrupulous people will be willing to supply them. We must remove that demand by acting as a community to educate our young people of the dangers of drugs and encourage them to stay away from drugs and the dealers who peddle them.”


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