Executive in ‘crisis’ over failure on welfare reform - Copeland


Ulster Unionist Social Development Spokesperson Michael Copeland has slammed Sinn Fein’s posturing on adopting a way forward on welfare reform.

The East Belfast Assemblyman said;

“The reform of the United Kingdom’s welfare system is without doubt the most radical reorganisation of the social security system since the very foundation of the welfare state.

‘It is no longer a question of if reform will come to Northern Ireland; but when and in what form. On the 8th March 2012, Parliament’s Welfare Reform Act received Royal Assent, yet seven months later and Northern Ireland’s Bill has yet to even go through its preliminary stages. During all this time the Bill has been delayed by political posturing in Stormont Castle between Sinn Fein and the DUP. The Ulster Unionist Party has been urging the Social Development Minister to bring the Bill to the Assembly in order to have these discussions in public and let the Committee get on with its crucial work of examining the Bill.

‘Sinn Fein’s decision to table a ‘reasoned amendment’ shows an Assembly Group not at ease with itself on the issue of welfare reform. I have no doubt that they, as I do, have major concerns and I look at their amendment and I can agree with many of their points. But further delay is not the answer. The deadlines are now so tight that for every week that the Bill is delayed, it means a week less for the Committee and stakeholders to adequately scrutinise the Bill.

‘The Ulster Unionist Party acknowledges the need for reform – the present system is to complex and not fit for purpose with too many differing criteria. To do nothing is not an option but there is a danger that if the reform is implemented wrongly it has the potential to take away support from people who simply can’t afford to lose anything more and leave many of our most vulnerable people facing even greater challenges.

‘In our opinion the Bill as currently drafted is not fit for purpose, but we are confident that we can use the formal processes already in place to amend it.” 

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