Lord Empey raises questions re McNarry UKIP move


Ulster Unionist Peer Lord Empey has raised a number of questions for David McNarry following his decision to join UKIP.  

 Lord Empey said:

  'Many people will appreciate the irony of a man who was wedded to the notion of unionist unity and the establishment of a single unionist party between the Ulster Unionists and the DUP, introducing a fourth unionist party into the Assembly in the form of UKIP.  

 That aside, many people in Strangford and further afield will be asking other serious questions.

 Firstly, local farmers receive almost £270 million a year from the Common Agricultural Policy which accounts for over 50% of their income. I would imagine the farmers of the Ards Peninsula and Saintfield will have something to say about the loss of that.  

Secondly, will UKIP be supporting the proposals contained in Mr McNarry’s submission to the Assembly Executive & Review Committee regarding the future shape of Government in Northern Ireland where he said, “There should in my view be seven or eight departments” and he proceeded to list them all as follows  - ‘a department of the economy, a department of finance, a department of education and skills, a department of agriculture, a department of tourism and culture, a transport ministry and a housing ministry. The First Minister’s department could be combined with the department of finance, which would reflect where the power lies in government.’

Unfortunately he appears to see no role for the crucially important Departments of Health and Justice.  

Finally, many will be wondering if Mr McNarry will be heeding his new Party’s last Assembly Manifesto which said they would cut the salary and allowances of MLA’s by 50%. Perhaps David will lead by example?”

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