Elliott calls for clarification on Planning Approvals


Ulster Unionist Assembly member for Fermanagh & South Tyrone, Tom Elliott has urged the Environment Minister to give a clear set of guidelines to those who have sites with planning permission that is soon to expire.

Mr Elliott said: “Many elected representatives, planners and designers have grown used to PPS21 over the last few years, although there are many areas of interpretation that still require consistency. I hope that a common sense application of the new guidelines is starting to take shape, although there is still too much variation within the system.

“Something else we have become used to is the sight of foundations being dug, concrete poured and then all too often being left as scars on the landscape without any further progress for years. I fully understand why some site owners do this in order to keep their planning permissions open, but I have asked the Environment minister Alex Attwood if an extension to planning permission might not be a better solution in these circumstances.

“With the current financial situation it is extremely difficult for families to get the finance to start construction never mind complete the building, and in some situations they have had no other option than to let the permission lapse, with a much reduced chance of renewal under PPS21.  I welcome the indication I received in a letter from the Minister that he will give consideration to the owners of such sites having an option to extend the permission, possibly at a reduced fee in the future.  I particularly welcome the Minister’s acknowledgement that the previous permission will be a material determination in making that decision and I hope it will be significantly weighted to enable most applications to be easily renewed.

“Construction is probably the worst hit part of the local economy, and anything that speeds up and enables local development should be welcomed. This is just one area where then DOE Planning Service could become a catalyst for growth and not just spectators.”

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