Nesbitt Welcomes Appointment of Sir Desmond De Silva to Finucane Murder Report

Ulster Unionist Victims spokesperson, Mike Nesbitt, has welcomed the news that an independent judicial figure and former United Nations War Crimes Prosecutor, will report on the murder of Patrick Finucane.
The Strangford MLA said: “Appointing Sir Desmond da Silva QC is very much in tune with the calls we often hear from republican quarters for an independent, international, judicial input into dealing with our past. Sir Desmond has an impressive CV in this area and I wish him every success in his work.
“Further, it was an election manifesto commitment of ours not to support any more costly, open ended inquiries, and I welcome the news that Sir Desmond’s review will last no longer than December 2012, with a budget of £1.5 million.
“I reiterate my belief that the Finucane family, like any other who lost a loved one, deserves the opportunity to explore the truth of what happened.
“However, I am mindful of the hundreds of families who look enviously at the focus and resource devoted to a relatively small number of high profile cases.
“The Finucanes were clearly upset at their treatment in Downing Street yesterday, but on reflection, I am sure they would concede that while they feel their journey is not yet complete, they already have established that there was state collusion in Mr Finucane’s murder, and that the state has apologised. That has taken them a lot further that the many, many families who are still awaiting a start to their journey to the truth.“It is noteworthy that the Secretary of State has not only promised Sir Desmond unrestricted access to all official papers, including the 9,256 witness statements taken by the Stevens investigations, he has also left if open to Sir Desmond to decide whether he wishes to meet and consider submissions for any individual as he sees fit.
“This is more that a paper review, and I hope everyone can accept this may actually achieve what the Finucanes want, and which the Government also wants. In the words of Owen Paterson MP to the House of Commons today, this means : “The public now need to know the extent and nature of that collusion."

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