Nesbitt urges people to “Take back the City”

Ulster Unionist Party Leader Mike Nesbitt MLA has urged people to support the initiative from Belfast traders to “Take back the City”.

Speaking following a meeting with Colin Neill, Chief Executive of “Pubs of Ulster” which discussed the extremely difficult trading situation affecting the hospitality industry, Mr Nesbitt said:

“I have met with a number of traders and traders’ organisations to discuss how the Ulster Unionist Party can give practical meaning to our desire to help local traders survive the ongoing challenges that pose a threat to the survival of many, especially in the hospitality sector.

I encourage everyone to support the social media campaign to get people back into pubs and restaurants of Belfast which is operating with the hashtag, #takebackthecity, named after one of Northern Ireland band Snow Patrol’s greatest hits.

I will be supporting the campaign in a practical way by taking my wife for a meal in east Belfast tonight and I would urge as many members of the public as possible to get into the City this weekend.

In addition, we will also seek to hold the Executive to account to ensure they deliver timely support and lobby for help for employers on practical issues such as flexibility in paying PAYE and VAT.

Next week will be the 40th anniversary of my father’s family business being destroyed by a terrorist bomb. The economy has suffered too much and we must all act now to support local businesses and industry. Enough is enough.

Colin Neill, chief executive of Pubs of Ulster, said:

“The situation within the hospitality sector is now critical. Whilst we obviously need a political solution to the situation, we are now at a point where something has to be done and action needs to be taken to protect one of the biggest contributors to Northern Ireland’s evening and daytime economy.

“We have been greatly encouraged by the political support the industry has received and following our meeting with Mike Nesbitt, it’s clear that there is a shared commitment to providing both immediate and long term help. We discussed a number of possible ways to help the industry, and we will continue to explore these options as we fight to save the future of the industry.”

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