Overend appalled at Mid-Ulster Mail advertising a campaign jamboree for McGeough

Ulster Unionist MLA, Sandra Overend has expressed her disgust at the Mid-Ulster Mail for accepting an advert highlighting a welcome home campaign jamboree for convicted IRA terrorist, Gerry McGeough.

Mrs Overend said, “I am appalled that in the same week that the families of the Teebane Massacre are remembering their loved ones, this week`s edition of the Mid-Ulster Mail carries an advertisement which highlights a welcome home campaign jamboree for convicted terrorist, Gerry McGeough.’

“Part of the front page of the Mid-Ulster Mail rightly remembers the Teebane massacre, but within the same paper they carry an advert which is in support of the attempted murderer. I find it astounding that the paper should carry an advert like this at any time, never mind when some families are remembering their loved ones.’

“I have been contacted by a number of constituents in Mid-Ulster who are shocked and feel the Mid Ulster Mail is being grossly insensitive. I am seeking clarification from the Mid-Ulster Mail regarding their policy on these issues.”

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