Ulster Unionist Education spokesperson, Danny Kinahan MLA has warned that the Education Bill in its current form has the potential to fail due to the many contradictions and inconsistencies within the Heads of Agreement.
Danny, who is also Vice-Chair of the Education Committee, said:
“The Ulster Unionist Party chose to oppose the Education Bill as we do not believe that in its current form it is a good Bill on which to build the future of our education system. This decision has been vindicated throughout the Education Committee evidence sessions during which stakeholders felt compelled to ask for clarification on many aspects of the Bill.’
“The long awaited Heads of Agreement document on which Education & Skills Authority proposals were eventually based was cloaked in mystery from the outset. Following close scrutiny it now appears to me there is an unfairness forming between the different school sectors.’
“We need to achieve an over-arching cross party consensus on education, which will last beyond the lifetime of this administration. We need a Bill which allows teachers to teach and gives parents the power to choose. We need a long term plan which looks after the best interests of our children, not party ideology.’