Hussey expresses his shock and sadness at death of young policewoman in Londonderry

Ulster Unionist Policing Board Member, Ross Hussey MLA has expressed his shock and sadness at the death of a young policewoman in an incident in Londonderry early this morning.

Mr Hussey said, “I am extremely shocked and saddened to hear of the death a young policewoman in Londonderry early this morning. I would like to pass on my heartfelt sympathies to the family, friends and colleagues of this officer. We can only imagine the pain that they must be feeling. I hope that her injured colleagues make a speedy recovery.’

“This young woman`s death in the line of duty serves to re-emphasise the dangers faced by the officers of the Police Service of Northern Ireland on a daily basis, as they put themselves in harm`s way to protect the whole community. They deserve our full support.”

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