Nesbitt responds to comments by McCallister and McCrea

Ulster Unionist Leader Mike Nesbitt has responded to comments by former Ulster Unionist MLAs John McCallister and Basil McCrea. 

Mr Nesbitt said:

‘It is a matter of huge regret that following a unanimous vote of the Mid-Ulster Ulster Unionist  Constituency Association, some individuals chose to attack the Party on the airwaves.  

With regard to comments made by John McCallister, if he is resigning on principle, why did he not resign over the selection of an agreed candidate in Rodney Connor in Fermanagh & South Tyrone? If he was unhappy with policies, why when I gave him the opportunity 11 months ago to shape policy via a Constitutional Commission did he not bother?

I reject Basil’s claim that in my Leadership campaign I advocated “no big idea”. What I said was there was no quick fix and there was no “big idea” beyond a long hard slog on the ground.  Hard work was the big idea.

Re Basil’s claim that there are no policies, he appears to have completely missed my 2012 Conference speech in which a wide range of polices were outlined.  Basil also claimed there was no forum to discuss and debate policy and direction yet was the only MLA not to attend the last “away day” which is the forum for such debate and discussion.  

The Party reviewed key policies in 2012 and neither John nor Basil attended internal meetings or contributed in any meaningful way.  Indeed John attended more Northern Ireland Conservative events over that period than he attended Ulster Unionist reviews. 

My vision remains for a revitalised, pluralist, non-sectarian progressive political party remains undimmed. That party is the Ulster Unionist Party.”

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