Overend backs right decision for Mid-Ulster

Ulster Unionist MLA Sandra Overend has described last night’s decision by the Mid-Ulster Constituency Association of the Ulster Unionist Party to unanimously approve Nigel Lutton as an agreed Unionist candidate to contest the forthcoming Westminster by-election as “the right decision for Mid-Ulster.” 

Mrs Overend said:

“Last night’s unanimous decision by the Mid Ulster Association was unprecedented. Under other circumstances I might well have been seeking the Party’s nomination but I am fully behind Nigel Lutton in his campaign.

Mid-Ulster is a constituency which suffered grievously at the hands of terrorists. Nigel Lutton will be a voice for victims and focused not just on the wrongs of the past, but on building the better future we all crave. He is a candidate for all who seek normal politics and today I have been inundated with messages and calls of support, not only for me, but for the decision that was taken by Mid-Ulster Ulster Unionists to support Nigel Lutton’s bid.

As the Ulster Unionist MLA for Mid Ulster I look forward to working with Nigel during the forthcoming campaign and electing an MP who will provide the people of Mid-Ulster with the representation at Westminster which they have been denied since Sinn Fein won the seat in 1997.”

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