Copeland pledges to continue the fight to save Dundonald High School from closure

East Belfast MLA Michael Copeland has pledged to continue the fight to save Dundonald High School in the face of threatened closure by the Department of Education. Dundonald is now the second high school in East Belfast which has been earmarked for closure in recent months as Orangefield High School faces a similar fate.

The Ulster Unionist said:

"If Dundonald High School is forced to close its doors permanently it will be a sad day for East Belfast.’

“Dundonald High School is located in an area of social deprivation, high unemployment and low educational attainment, yet it remains a focal point for the community with positive plans for the future. The school facilities are not only used for teaching but are also used by community groups, churches, and for local sporting events, so any closure could effectively rip the heart from a community which is already under pressure.’

“The social, economic and academic implications will have far reaching effects, with Newtownards, Castlereagh, and parts of East Belfast being faced with a void which they must fill. It is vitally important that we support our young people from areas of social disadvantage and it would seem obvious to me that the closure of high quality education services which serve predominantly working-class Protestant areas like Ardcarn, Ballybeen, and Tullycarnet will only serve to copper fasten the disadvantage"

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