Nesbitt dismisses Edwin Poots` shrine claim

Ulster Unionist Leader, Mike Nesbitt MLA has responded to a claim about roadside “shrines” made by Edwin Poots on Radio Ulster this morning by pointing out that Mr Poots had not raised the issue with the DRD Minister at any stage, nor did Mr Poots bring the matter to the Executive. 

“On Radio Ulster this morning, Edwin Poots MLA challenged me over what he called Republican roadside “shrines” and asked what I was going to do about them, given the Ulster Unionist Party hold the Ministry for Regional Development. I promised to investigate and have done so, in a prompt and detailed manner. 

“I have spoken to the Roads Minister, and as I suspected, the matter of roadside “shrines” is not exclusive to the Department of Regional Development. Most obviously, there is the question of planning permission, that falls within the Department of the Environment. 

“Interestingly, Danny Kennedy has confirmed that Mr Poots has not raised the issue with him at any stage; not has Mr Poots brought the matter to the NI Executive.

“It is also a matter of record that Mr Poots and several of his DUP colleagues have held the Ministries of Regional Development and the Environment in the past, without taking any of the actions he is now calling for. 

“This was clearly an ill thought out remark from a man under pressure from buying into a very bad decision in supporting placing the Peace Centre at the Maze. 

“I repeat, the Ulster Unionist Party supports the development of the Maze site, through initiatives such as relocating the Balmoral Show. We also support the principle of a Peace Centre, but not at the Maze, which is too controversial and divisive a venue. 

“Having listened to DUP spokespersons since Planning Permission was granted last week, it is clear they have signed up to something before agreeing its purpose and functions. They say there will be no shrine, but they know as well as I do that it is the people, not politicians, who will make that decision.”

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