Ulster Unionist MLA Roy Beggs has demanded that the Department for Social Development provide a medical assessment centre in Belfast which has access for those suffering with a disability.
The East Antrim MLA, who is his Party’s Health spokesperson, said:
“I recently tabled a question asking Minister for Social Development, over the last twelve months, how many medical assessments could not be carried out at Royston House, Belfast due to the limited disability access of the building; and what was the cost of transporting these applicants to an alternative venue.
The response was shocking. A total of 1,676 disabled applicants were forced to go to Portadown or Ballymena for Employment Support Allowance medical assessment due to the unsuitability of the 4th floor venue in Royston House.
This results in additional inconvenience and is likely to cause additional discomfort and personal travel claims from those traveling in their own car on top of the extra £35,000 in taxi costs.
It is almost beyond belief that the Department of Social Development does not have a facility in our capital city of Belfast which is capable of accommodating people with disabilities.
1,676 people is a not insignificant number and the Minister must act to ensure this situation is remedied as soon as possible.”