Nicholson welcomes mobile roaming price cuts

Ulster Unionist MEP Jim Nicholson has welcomed the announcement that the European Union’s battle to end roaming charges across the continent has taken a huge step forward. From 1st July 2013, the European Union’s Roaming Regulation will impose lower price caps for data downloads by 36 per cent.

Mr Nicholson said:

“I am pleased that just in time for the summer holidays, it has become significantly more affordable to use maps, check emails, watch videos and update social networking sites across member states.

“However it is not just data downloads that have seen a decrease in price. New price caps will drop call charges by 17 per cent, and receiving calls will be around 12 per cent cheaper. The cost of text messaging will be down by 11 per cent. However the most significant development is that data charges will be down by 36 per cent – which is 91 per cent cheaper than in 2007.

“Hopefully these developments will put an end to tourists being shocked with high phone bills when they arrive home from their holidays.”

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