The Chairman of the Ulster Unionist Party’s Foyle Association, Mr Ronnie McKeegan has condemned the recent attacks on the Apprentice Boys Memorial Hall and expressed his confidence that the forthcoming Maiden City Festival will be a highlight of this year’s UK City of Culture celebrations.
Mr McKeegan said;
“The recent attacks on the Apprentice Boys Memorial Hall have been viewed with dismay by many in Londonderry.
The Ulster Unionist Party very much welcomes the condemnation of these attacks from across the local community and we also congratulate the Police – especially Chief Inspector John Burrows and his team - on the swift action which has already been taken, resulting in three arrests.
We must all work towards the day when mindless sectarian attacks on the Memorial Hall are a thing of the past and the city of Londonderry becomes a truly shared space in which the minority unionist community is afforded the equality of treatment and respect which it deserves.
With that in mind, the Ulster Unionist Party in Londonderry is looking forward to the forthcoming Maiden City Festival which has gone from strength to strength. We are confident that it will be able to build on the success of the Flagship Twelfth which took place in the City and that the Festival will be a highlight of this year’s UK City of Culture celebrations.”