The Ulster Unionist Party’s Newry & Armagh MLA Danny Kennedy has expressed his disappointment at the Parades Commission’s determination regarding an Apprentice Boys feeder parade in Keady next Saturday (10th August) which will once again prevent the local lodge and bandsmen from walking in their own town.
Mr Kennedy said:
“Once again the Parades Commission has delivered a determination that defies logic, never mind fairness and justice.
All the talk of a shared future rings rather hollow in Keady, where the local Apprentice Boys are once again being denied the right to share the centre of their own town.
The illogical nature of this decision is highlighted by the fact that the Parades Commission permitted an entire County Armagh Twelfth demonstration to be held in Keady in July 2012, yet just over a year later a single band and lodge cannot enter the town.
This latest decision damages the Commission’s dwindling credibility yet further.”