Nicholson condemns Spain’s actions over Gibraltar

Jim Nicholson MEP accused Spain of “desperation and recklessness” over its increasingly outlandish threats against the British territory and its citizens by issuing a series of menacing proposals, including the imposition of a €50 charge to cross the border, and the closure of Spanish airspace to Gibraltar flights.

Mr Nicholson said “It is clear this posturing and chest-beating is an act of desperation and recklessness. The Spanish Government faces so many problems domestically that it is desperate to create a diversion. As an MEP I wish to remind Spain that this kind of megaphone diplomacy should have ended with General Franco. It has no place in a modern Europe and does a disservice to the people of modern Spain.

It also flies in the face of all the rules on the free movement of people and goods which are at the heart of the European Union and the single market. I am glad the UK Government have warned Spain to end this behaviour immediately reminding them nearly 99% of Gibraltar residents wished to remain part of the UK in the last referendum over British sovereignty in 2002”.

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