Joint Statement from the Ulster Unionist Party and Democratic Unionist Party

The Leaders of Northern Ireland's two main Unionist Parties are calling for the Apprentice Boys of Derry to be allowed to enjoy a peaceful, respectful day out this Saturday, 10th August 2013.

The call follows a series of meetings with the PSNI and community and parading representatives from East Belfast undertaken by Mike Nesbitt MLA, Leader of the Ulster Unionist Party and the DUP Leader, Peter Robinson MLA.

Last Thursday, the leaders met Chief Constable Matt Baggott and ACC George Hamilton, to discuss concerns over the policing of the return parade of the Orange Order on the 12th of July in the east of the City, which saw a sustained attack on the parade from the Short Strand.

They said:

“We note both the PSNI and the Orange Order have committed to reviewing their respective responsibilities on that day.

"There is currently a disturbing breakdown in communications at some levels, leading to a disengagement between the PSNI and the community, particularly the youth of the area. The police were already aware of this, and the Cardiff talks on community confidence in policing was a product of their concerns.

"We acknowledge the PSNI has admitted shortcomings in their operation on the Newtownards Road on 12th July, including their acceptance that:

  • A large number of people from Short Strand attacked the parade as it passed Strand Walk;
  • A large number of people associated with the parade as participants and spectators received injuries as a result of ‘missiles’ being thrown from Short Strand;
  • The numbers involved in this attack from Short Strand and the quantity and type of ‘missiles’ available indicated preplanning;
  • The number of public order police deployed in the Short Strand was such that there was some delay in containing the attack on the parade;
  • Without prejudice to any ongoing criminal investigation the review established a lack of police evidence gathering capability in the Short Strand;
  • The attack on the parade resulted in injuries to those associated with the parade including a number of young children;

As a result of the initial attack from Short Strand and subsequent response from those on the Newtownards Road, 13 police officers were injured.

We repeat our unreserved condemnation of violence and have asked the Chief Constable to convey our support to the police involved, particularly the injured.

We also sought and received assurances from the Chief Constable that the policing operation on Saturday will take account of the above shortcomings. It is incumbent upon the  PSNI to ensure those peacefully celebrating culture are protected.

In an effort to encourage positive relations and community confidence in policing, the Leaders have asked the community and parading representatives to organise a seminar in September, in advance of the Haass talks, at which they and the PSNI can identify the issues and attitudes that need to be addressed in order to identify a new, strategic way forward for all.

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