Nesbitt welcomes DUP`s Crumlin Road Courthouse U-turn

Ulster Unionist Leader, Mike Nesbitt MLA, has welcomed another DUP U-turn, this time concerning Crumlin Road Courthouse. Mr Nesbitt has repeated his call for Crumlin Road Courthouse to be taken back into public ownership and developed. DSD Minister, Nelson McCausland has announced a consultation on redevelopment opportunities for the site.

Mr Nesbitt said:

“I warmly welcome what appears to be another U-turn by the DUP. I have long argued that we should take Crumlin Road Courthouse back into public ownership. I never understood the logic of selling it for a pound into private ownership and I regret the U-turn will come at a significant cost to the taxpayer, with tens of thousands of pounds now being earmarked to develop plans to do what should have been done in the first place.

“This area of Belfast suffers from some of the worst multiple deprivation in Northern Ireland and the redevelopment would be a significant boost for all the people of the community.

“I understand that some feel the courthouse is beyond saving. If that is so, I would point to the example of the Constitutional Courthouse in Johannesburg which was built using bricks from the original building. Something similar could easily be done here.

“The Crumlin Road site provides great opportunities and the most should be made of it, for both local people and the rest of Northern Ireland.”

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