Following the recall of Parliament, Ulster Unionist Peer, Lord Empey has cautioned that any potential actions regarding Syria need thought through and must be based on hard facts and aimed at bringing an end to the conflict.
Lord Empey said:
“It is right that Parliament is being consulted on possible military action in Syria, but at the end of the day it is a Government decision.
“We have all been shocked by recent scenes of children dying before our eyes from chemical weapons. Whilst the case for military action was made by some over a year ago, the rhetoric was not matched by action; the situation now is very different. The Russians, Iran and its client groups in Lebanon and Iraq are now fully engaged in the fighting, even if by proxy and the most active rebel groups are now affiliated to Al Qaeda. Millions are now displaced in the region threatening regional instability. The West dithered and handed the initiative to the Mullahs and the Assad regime who now dictate the pace of events.
“Western countries` credibility in the Arab world is at an all time low after a pitiful response to the coup in Egypt so it is with a heavy heart that most Parliamentarians will gather at Westminster on Thursday.
“What we should not be doing is some meaningless missile strike to salve our consciences and then disappear after 48 hours leaving those who, like the Marsh Arabs under Saddam Hussein, rallied to the rebel cause urged on by the West, only to be left to the mercies of the regime after the TV reporters have long gone.
“Any action needs thought through, must be based on hard facts and must be aimed at speeding up an end to this dreadful conflict.”