Ulster Unionists condemn attack on Belfast Orange Hall

Ulster Unionist councillor Mark Cosgrove has condemned the latest attack on Belfast Orange Hall at Clifton Street.

Councillor Cosgrove said:

“I unreservedly condemn those who threw paint bombs at Belfast Orange Hall on Tuesday evening.

This is the latest in a long line of attacks on the Hall at Clifton Street and is clearly the actions of those who have so little confidence in their own culture that they feel the need to attack the symbols of another.  

It is undoubtedly an attempt to create and exploit community tensions, especially with the last Saturday in August Parades due to take place later this week. An increase in community tension is the last thing which is needed at this time and I would call for people to remain calm and not to fall into the trap laid for them by republicans.

It is important that the Police be given the time and space to investigate this crime and to bring those responsible to justice.”  

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