Jo-Anne Dobson MLA Belfast Telegraph Platform

Published 3rd September 2013


As the mother of two sons I know how important it is that our education system helps children to grow, mature and reach their full potential.


As a politician I have always drawn on my own family experience rather than taking a purely political stance. When decisions are blatantly wrong it is important that those in authority sit up and listen to the real concerns of the public.


That is why I welcome the DUP’s eventual U-turn on the fatally flawed policy to build what would inevitably have become a terrorist shrine at the Maze Prison site. This decision was a victory for victims and all those who joined us in the campaign to oppose its construction at the Maze.


But it mustn’t stop there! In his twelve page Maze U-turn letter The First Minster mentions his party’s veto, saying: ‘You know we have a veto over the content of any proposal.’


It is now time for Peter Robinson to use his party`s numbers and work with the Ulster Unionist Party to stop Sinn Fein`s plans to destroy the Dickson Plan education system in Craigavon and show a similar willingness to recognise the majority view of parents whose only interest is the welfare and future of their children.


Peter Robinson must recognise the very real hurt and anger being felt in the community at the Sinn Fein led plan to destroy the Dickson Plan, a system which for generations has delivered academic excellence for the children of Craigavon.


The system removes the downsides to selection at 11, accommodates those children who are late developers, and provides a model school structure from which aspects could be used as a blue-print for the future of post-primary education across Northern Ireland.


The local community was left reeling in June by the SELB’s betrayal of public opinion by voting in support of Area Planning ‘Option A’ which would effectively end the Dickson Plan, an education system which is much-loved by parents, teachers and pupils alike.


This was despite the fact that a previous public consultation on Area Planning had shown over 80% support for the retention of the Plan.


During a head-to-head television debate in June the Sinn Fein Education Minister John O’Dowd challenged me to back up my assertions that the Dickson Plan was a hugely successful education system.


Well, the facts speak for themselves. If Mr O’Dowd were to take time to read the most recent Education and Training Inspectorate reports of controlled schools within the Dickson catchment area, it may make uncomfortable reading for him because these reports expose the myths which he has been peddling.


In 2010 the quality of education provided by Killicomaine Junior High School and Tandragee Junior High School was graded as being ‘good’ and ‘very good.’ Indeed Tandragee was described as ‘meeting very effectively the educational and pastoral needs of the children.’


Lurgan College’s inspection in 2012 graded the quality of provision as ‘very good.’ Whilst Craigavon Senior High School – was graded as ‘good’, with the inspectors saying ‘the school has important strengths in most of its educational and pastoral provision.’


These are not the inspection reports of failing schools, or indeed of schools in need of radical change as supported by both the SELB and the Sinn Fein-led Department. John O`Dowd would be well advised to revisit these inspection reports and take time to digest their content again.


But despite the facts, the reality in Craigavon is that the views of the majority of local people are being ridden roughshod over, in pursuit of a Sinn Fein comprehensive agenda.


Sensible solutions, rather than those steeped in political dogma are needed.  That is why it is important that Peter Robinson listens to the majority view and use his party’s numbers and work with the Ulster Unionist Party to stop John O'Dowd in his tracks. This would preserve the Dickson Plan for future generations of our children.”


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