Ulster Unionist a Leader, Mike Nesbitt MLA, has expressed his disgust at the deputy First Minister's use of language during today's Question Time at the NI assembly. Responding to a question about the future of the proposed Peace Building and Conflict Resolution Centre at the site of the former Maze Prison, Martin McGuinness attacked the campaign to halt the construction of the building, condemning the Ulster Unionist Party and what he described as 'extreme loyalists'.
Mr Nesbitt said:
“Our key partners were the innocent victims' groups, prison officers, the UDR Regimental Association, the RUC George Cross Association and RUC widows. To call the widows of police officers 'extreme loyalists' is not only wrong, it is deeply offensive and brings the office of the deputy First Minister into disrepute.
"I understand Martin McGuinness does not like what has happened with the so-called Peace Centre, but this use of language is not acceptable and suggests he is in denial concerning the fact that significant sections of our community who could not be reasonably described as other than moderate, are totally opposed to these plans.
"This regrettable statement follows an assertion that politicians were using victims for their selfish political ends, ignoring how he supported the creation of victims for political ends in the first place.
"We cannot go on like this. Honesty must underpin our political processes."