Kinahan welcomes Gerry Kelly u turn on Antrim book-signing

Ulster Unionist MLA Danny Kinahan has welcomed the fact that Gerry Kelly has been forced into a u-turn regarding holding a book signing event in Antrim later this month.  

Mr Kinahan said;

“I welcome the fact that Gerry Kelly has been forced to change his plans for a book-signing in Antrim following the local outcry.  

His comments about changing the time and venue so as “not to feed the book-burning wing of Unionism” are utterly contemptible.

Mr Kelly’s grasp of history is clearly as tenuous as his grasp of the definition of terrorism.

The Nazis burned books. The only people in Northern Ireland who sought to follow this path was the IRA when it firebombed the Linenhall Library in 1993.

Gerry Kelly is a convicted criminal who has expressed no regret or apology for his crimes and the people who died or were injured as a result of his activities. This book is not truth but propaganda which will only re-traumatise victims.

No matter how many books are written by Gerry Kelly or any other convicted terrorist criminals, they won’t be able to rewrite history.”

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