Nesbitt pays tribute to John Cole

Ulster Unionist Party Leader Mike Nesbitt has paid tribute to the veteran journalist and broadcaster John Cole who died today.  

Mr Nesbitt said:

 “John Cole was an inspirational character to me as a young journalist.

 He taught me the ultimate goal of having the respect of the political class but more importantly of the audience.

 He always managed to be fair-minded and professional; his knowledge of his subject matter was unsurpassed

 Following his appointment as Political Editor of the BBC from 1981, he made a great contribution to national political arena throughout a period of great political upheaval including the Miners’ Strike and the Brighton Bomb.

 It was always a source of pride for many in Northern Ireland that an Ulsterman had reached the top his his profession on a UK stage. He truly was an inspirational figure and will be sadly missed by his family, former colleagues and many millions of viewers.”

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