Nicholson welcomes major step towards scrapping the Strasbourg travelling circus

Jim Nicholson, Ulster Unionist MEP, has welcomed a major step towards scrapping the European Parliament's costly dual-seat system. 

On 20th November, MEPs voted by 483 votes to 141 to endorse a report that focused on the economic and environmental costs of the dual-seat system, as well as the weight of public sentiment deeply opposed to the arrangement. The report argues that sitting in both Brussels and Strasbourg is simply unsustainable, and MEPs should, as the only directly elected EU institution, be allowed to decide for themselves where the parliament sits.

Speaking after the vote, Jim said: "At long last, common sense has prevailed.  The vote in Parliament has ensured that we are a step closer to scrapping the costly Strasbourg travelling circus."   

The majority of the Parliament’s work is done at its huge complex of offices and debating chambers in Brussels, but once a month 766 MEPs, 3,000 staff and 25 trucks carrying documents and equipment decamp to Strasbourg for three-day plenary sessions. 

Jim continued: "There are a multitude of reasons to scrap this nonsensical arrangement and retain one seat in Brussels.  

Firstly, the monthly move to Strasbourg is estimated to emit an additional 11,000 to 19,000 tonnes of CO2, at a time when the EU insists on local people complying with environmentally friendly policies. 

"Secondly, the dual-seat system has become a symbol of EU folly, doing little to counter the image of the EU as too bureaucratic and wasteful an institution amongst voters. 

"Thirdly, and most significantly, it is estimated that over the Parliament’s seven-year budget the monthly trek costs taxpayers a staggering £928 million. This is a scandalous waste of money on needless travel and on buildings that are used for only 42 days a year. 

"While the approval of this report will not bring an immediate end to the Strasbourg travelling circus, the vote today means that it hopefully marks the beginning of the end."

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