Elliott questions timing of publication of Criminal Justice Inspection report

Ulster Unionist Justice spokesperson, Tom Elliott MLA, has questioned the timing of the publication of the Criminal Justice Inspection report given the Attorney General`s remarks on Wednesday. 

Mr Elliott said: 

“The publication of these figures today begs the question if there has been choreography given the Attorney General`s comments on Wednesday. 

“The report from the Criminal Justice Inspection demonstrates a huge cost for a process which focuses primarily on the actions of the state. We shouldn`t be dealing with a select few. Everyone deserves equal opportunity for justice, which is not currently happening. 

“The current system is unfair and unjust with a hierarchy of victims being created with victims of alleged state violence being given precedence over everyone else. 

“These figures don`t even include the cost of other inquiries such as Saville. Nor do these figures include the costs of taking officers from current duties to deal with historical cases with the focus unfairly on the actions of the state, whilst seemingly ignoring the fact that 90% of all killings were committed by terrorists.”

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