McGimpsey deeply concerned with on-going crisis at the Royal Victoria Hospital A&E

The Ulster Unionist Assembly Member for South Belfast Michael McGimpsey has expressed deep concerns about the care and support available to both patients and staff of the Royal Victoria Hospital A&E following the major backlog of patients last night.

McGimpsey said:

“The on-going crisis at the Royal Victoria Hospital A&E is unacceptable.”

“It has been clear now for 2 ½ years, that the Royal Victoria Hospital A&E has a serious problem.  Staff are being stretched to their limits with insufficient support. It is the simple law of supply and demand, there is not enough resources to meet the demand. This has clearly been miscalculated for some time.”

“Remedies must now be sought. The major incident plan provides some answers; additional staff and additional beds. It is essential that the re-opening of the City Hospital A&E also be part of the remedy. Investment is the key and must be found for Belfast Hospitals.”

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