Dobson urges Health Minister to do the right thing on Organ Donation

Ulster Unionist MLA Jo-Anne Dobson has urged the DUP Health Minister Edwin Poots to make an urgent statement to the Assembly on his future intentions towards changing local Organ Donation laws. 

Upper Bann representative Mrs Dobson, who is currently piloting a Bill through the Assembly to change the law to a soft opt-out system, said:

“We are fast approaching the anniversary of the Health Ministers joint statement with the First and deputy First Ministers in which they endorsed a move to a soft opt-out system, the aim of my Bill. 

“On that date the Health Minister announced that he would conduct a public survey, and now that he has had over three months to review the results of its findings I am calling on him to make his future intentions clear. 

“The survey results, alongside the 82% endorsement for the system from those who responded to my consultation during the summer months, constitutes a massive tidal wave of public support for change and one which cannot be ignored by the Minister. 

“Minister Poots is on record as stating that if the results of his survey are positive towards an opt-out system, ‘legislation could then be introduced to the Assembly.’  I am therefore calling on the Minister to work alongside me, and the local charities, patients groups and donor families to do the right thing and make it a reality for Northern Ireland to become the second region of the United Kingdom to endorse a soft opt-out organ donation system.”

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