Hussey welcomes terror convictions

The Ulster Unionist Party’s West Tyrone MLA Ross Hussey has welcomed the conviction of four men for terrorist offences, after they were caught in a car with a gun near Omagh in 2010.  

Mr Hussey, who also sits on the Policing Board, said;

“I would like to pay tribute to the work of the PSNI in this case, as a result of which, four terrorists have gone to prison and recovered two hand guns, a sub-machine gun and ammunition.

“There is no question that these were dangerous men who had access to weapons and were only too willing to use them to commit terrorist acts.

“The law-abiding people of Omagh, West Tyrone and much further afield will breathe a collective sigh of relief that these individuals and their weapons have been taken out of circulation and can no longer kill, injure or threaten anyone.

“I commend the Police for their diligence and bravery and call upon all of society to assist the Police in the fight against all criminal and terrorist groups which continue to blight our society, by passing on any information they may have regarding their activities.”      

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