Ulster Unionist Party Leader, Mike Nesbitt MLA, condemns letter bomb attacks on Army recruitmen​t offices

Ulster Unionist Party Leader, Mike Nesbitt MLA, has condemned those who attempted to bring terror to the streets of England by sending letter bombs to Army recruitment offices.

Mr Nesbitt said:

“We must all be thankful that the letter bombs were dealt with before they caused death or injury. This was the work of cowards and should be condemned by all in positions of leadership. It must also be named for what it was, a series of acts of terrorism. Terrorism is, was, and always will be wrong. Nothing and no-one can justify terrorism.

"My thoughts are with the servicemen and women who continue to go about their duties defending this country despite the threat from those who hide behind masks and skulk in the shadows.

“Right thinking people will recognise those responsible as a bunch of no-hopers, but while others who were previously wedded to terrorism continue to try to justify what they, PIRA and other terror groups did, they simply offer succour and a roadmap to today's terrorists.

"I would also ask the Justice Minister, David Ford, to ensure there is a realistic assessment of whether the failure to introduce the National Crime Agency (NCA) to Northern Ireland will hamper the drive to catch those responsible.

"Given it is reported at least one package had a postmark from the Republic of Ireland, I also call on the Dublin Government to do all it can to identify the source, and not engage in the sort of obnoxious attempt to justify terrorism as witnessed by the comments of senior Irish opposition politician, Éamon O’Cuiv, last week."

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