Hussey condemns letter bombs

The Ulster Unionist Party’s Policing Board representative, Ross Hussey MLA, has condemned whoever was behind the letter bombs found in postal sorting offices in Londonderry and Lisburn.

Mr Hussey said:

“The re-emergence of the tactic of sending letter bombs through the post is another example of how the current incarnation of physical force republicans is taking its cue from the tactics of the Provisional IRA.

“Last month we saw a spate of letter bombs sent to Army recruitment offices in the south of England, and last October we saw letter bombs sent to target senior Police officers including the Chief Constable, the Public Prosecution Service in Londonderry and the Secretary of State.

“I am in no doubt that this is another example of republican terror groups seeking to up the ante.  

“It has long been said that they are small in number and lack any significant measure of popular support but they still present a threat to life. Not only do these devices pose a threat to the recipients, but they could also cause injury or worse to postal workers and office staff.    

“The Police and the Security Services have enjoyed as great deal of success in disrupting the activities of a variety of criminal and terrorist gangs, but in order to ensure this remains the case, it is essential that the Police have all the resources and support from other agencies – including MI5 and the NCA – to enable them to defeat these terrorists and ensure that they cannot subvert democracy and threaten this Province and its people.”

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