Nicholson challenges Alliance’s position following Anna Lo’s United Ireland comments

Ulster Unionist MEP Jim Nicholson has hit back at comments by Anna Lo in which she expressed support for a united Ireland.

Mr Nicholson said, “Anna Lo’s recent comments regarding her support for a united Ireland seems to be yet another attempt by the Alliance Party to distance Northern Ireland from the United Kingdom.

“The Alliance Party has consistently supported the Euro as a currency, and was behind the decision to have the Union Flag flying from Belfast City Hall only on designated days. Describing Northern Ireland being part of the United Kingdom as “artificial” as Anna Lo has done, is another sign that the Alliance Party is fast becoming a cold house for unionists.

“Ms Lo has now said that a united Ireland would “be better placed economically, socially and politically”. To believe that a united Ireland would be economically viable is politically and economically naïve.Northern Ireland is unquestionably better off as part of the United Kingdom, the fifth largest economy on the planet.  

“If Anna Lo’s comments are reflective of the Alliance Party’s position, it can no longer claim to be a “middle-ground” party. I now call on the Leader of the Alliance Party, David Ford, to clarify the Party’s position on whether or not support for a United Ireland is now official Alliance Party policy.”

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