Dedicate a tree in memory of a family member as part of WWI Commemorative Woods Project - Dobson

Ulster Unionist MLA and party Agriculture spokesperson, Jo-Anne Dobson MLA, has given a warm welcome to the news from the Woodland Trust that a Commemorative Wood is to be planted in Northern Ireland to mark the centenary of the beginning of the First World War.

Commenting the Upper Bann MLA said:

“I am delighted to hear this latest £12 million initiative from the Woodland Trust aimed at increasing our woodland coverage across the United Kingdom and commend them for the important work they do in this area.

“I am also pleased that school children and community groups will be involved in the planting of over 3 million free trees to stand as a lasting legacy for those who fought, those who lost their lives and their loved ones on the home front during the First World War.

“This latest project, which follows on from the huge success of planting trees to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen in 2012, will involve creating 1,000 acres of woodland at four sites in the four regions of the Country.

“I encourage schools and community groups to contact the Woodland Trust to find out how they can take an active role in this project. It would be fantastic to see children taking part and dedicating a tree in memory of a family member – this is an extremely fitting tribute to the individual sacrifices made during the First World War.

"I have written to the Agriculture Minister to ask her what support her Department can give to this project given the targets which have been set at Executive level to increase woodland coverage in Northern Ireland.

"I would like to see everyone, starting with Government, getting fully behind this excellent project and together we can improve our much lower than average level of woodland coverage."

The first trees will be planted this autumn and the project will continue until autumn 2018.

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