Dobson and Kennedy Pay Tribute to Victims of Lough Ree Fishing Boat Tragedy

Ulster Unionist Party MLAs Jo-Anne Dobson and Danny Kennedy have paid tribute in the Assembly to the two local men- Daryl Burke from Portadown and David Warnock from Richhill who lost their lives in the Lough Ree Fishing Boat accident.

Mrs Dobson who represents Portadown in her Upper Bann constituency told the Assembly:

“The sombre mood of the people of Portadown in response to the tragedy has been brought to the Chamber this morning. It is no exaggeration to say that the entire community is in mourning today, and we join them. 

On behalf of the Ulster Unionist Party, I send our deepest sympathies and condolences to the family circles of Daryl Burke and David Warnock. The news that we received over the weekend was met with deep sadness, but also a sense of relief for the family of Daryl that Daryl's body had been found and recovered and could finally be brought home.

The unimaginable pain of the family, which comes from waiting, can never be described. Following the confirmation of David's tragic death, we in the community, alongside the family, held our breath for any news from the site, hoping against hope, yet knowing in our hearts that, with each day that passed, the outlook became bleaker.  

The members of Portadown Pikers and the entire community, who rallied round, joining the search and living down at Lough Ree, have nothing but my deepest admiration. As the community and the family try to come to terms with this tragic loss, I will never forget that Daryl's wife, Louise, who is in the late stages of pregnancy with her fourth child, never left the lough side throughout the search. Indeed, my party colleague Councillor Colin McCusker was David Warnock's second cousin and knew Daryl through supporting, as I have, Portadown Pikers club. He has been working very closely alongside the club and the families to bring home the vehicles and boats to Portadown. 

I know that the whole House will join me in supporting the club as it establishes a trust fund for Daryl's three young children, William, Callum and Brooklyn, and David's son, Matthew. We are soon to add a fifth to that list, a baby girl. All are left without a father. My thoughts are with Louise today and in the weeks ahead. As any mother knows, when giving birth, you need your partner's love and support to experience the joy that comes from bringing new life into the world. I cannot help thinking of her giving birth to their only daughter without her beloved Daryl by her side.  

I end my contribution with the poignant words of Portadown Pikers:

"Today we search no longer, but start to grieve more stronger." 

Danny Kennedy MLA who represents Richhill as part of his Newry and Armagh constituency said:

“I join with others in the expression of sincere sympathy and condolences to all the families impacted, particularly the Warnock and Burke families and, indeed, John Trimble and his family. It is not an overestimation to say that the entire north Armagh area has been very touched and affected by this tragedy. 

“That impact has been felt across the entire community and is reflected, rightly, in this afternoon's event in the House marking the tragedy. Mr Warnock lived in Richhill, and his parents are from Armagh; Mr Burke was from Portadown; and Mr Trimble is from Markethill. Therefore, the entire area of north and mid-Armagh has experienced great grief and sorrow at this tragedy. We assure all the families involved of our ongoing prayers and prayerful support, and of our practical support, which has been so much in evidence since the tragedy.  

We extend our sympathy and caring to the members of the Portadown Pikers angling club. Once again, I express our deep appreciation and admiration for the work of all those who searched and helped with the rescue and recovery. It has been a very dark period, and we ask that God's blessing will come upon all those impacted in any way.”

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