Hussey wants justice for Omagh victims

The Ulster Unionist Party’s West Tyrone MLA Ross Hussey has expressed his heartfelt desire that the victims of the 1998 Omagh bomb receive justice.

Mr Hussey said:

“I welcome the fact that the Police investigation into the Omagh bombing is still live.

“For anyone who is from the town of Omagh, or who was present that fateful day, the events of August 15 1998 will be etched in our hearts forever.

“My thoughts, as always, are with the families of the victims. 29 people and two unborn twins lost their lives, hundreds more were injured and the bombing left a wound that needs to be healed.

“The legal system must be allowed to operate and due process must take its course. It is my fervent hope that at the end of the day justice prevails.

Omagh Ulster Unionist Councillor Chris Smyth said:

“In 1998 I was a young child and therefore unable to comprehend the full horror and impact of the Omagh bombing.

"This changed as I grew up and became aware of the pain and suffering caused by the terrorists who planted the bomb that day.

“Young people in Northern Ireland want a future in which such events and all terrorism are consigned firmly to the past. We must all place our faith in law and order and trust that the legal system ensures that justice is done.” 

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