Petition to retain name of McCreesh Park a disgrace – Nicholson

An on-line petition to retain the name of Raymond McCreesh Park in Newry has been described by Ulster Unionist MEP Jim Nicholson as insulting and offensive.

Mr Nicholson said;

“The decision to name a children’s play park after a convicted terrorist was a disgrace in the first instance, and the vote by Sinn Fein and SDLP councillors to retain the name merely added insult to injury, not just for the victims of IRA terrorism, but to all who wish to build a better Northern Ireland, based on the principle of sharing and shared space.

“The name of the park is provocative, backwards looking, and obviously deeply offensive and hurtful to all who abhor violence.

“Now, Republicans are disrespecting the recent ruling of the Equality Commission and the Council’s own equality scheme by petitioning to retain the name and eulogising the criminality of a convicted terrorist.

"I challenge Sinn Féin and the SDLP to immediately state their support for the Equality Commission determination.

"The fact that McCreesh was arrested in possession of a weapon used in the barbaric sectarian slaughter at Kingsmills must never be forgotten.

“We must be aware of the sort of message this sends out to our young people. The naming of public amenities should be done to inspire and encourage young people – for example, with the use of local sports stars like Pat Jennings, at one time the greatest goalkeeper in world football.

"The original decision, and now the petition to disrespect the Equality Commission are wrong, and frankly, are blocks building a cold house for the Protestant and unionist minority community in Newry & Mourne.” 

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