Michael Copeland MLA has responded to the decision by the Secretary of State not to instigate an independent review into the 1978 La Mon bomb.
Mr Copeland said:
“This news will devastate the victims and survivors of La Mon who have long fought for truth and justice. While the Ulster Unionist Party does not support an endless stream of expensive and long inquiries, La Mon was one of the IRA’s most callous acts and the families have had to carry this burden for 36 years now.
“The Secretary of State cites public interest as the reason for her decision. Why? This news will only fuel those who believe the people responsible for the atrocity are in some way a protected species, perhaps because they now hold elected office.
“When I met with the Secretary of State last year along with families affected by La Mon, we spoke of our disappointment at the lack of new information contained in the HET report into the bombing. Today’s decision will only serve to frustrate the victims who have had great patience in their wait for the truth of La Mon.
“There are people out there who know what happened that day, know why it happened and know who gave the orders for it to happen. It is disturbing that they continue to keep the families in the dark.
“Today will be hurtful for those families of the innocent people who were so disgracefully and unforgivably targeted on 17 February 1978. I will continue to help and support them in their fight for truth.’