Dobson Condemns Laurencetown Pipebomb Attack

Upper Bann MLA Jo-Anne Dobson has condemned those who left a pipe bomb at the home of a retired police officer in Laurencetown.

 The Ulster Unionist commented;

 “Commenting on this development Upper Bann Ulster Unionist MLA Jo-Anne Dobson said “This is a throwback to the past and many within our local community had felt that these incidents had been confined to the dustbin of history. 

 “Those who chose to leave this device clearly have little care for those who could have been killed as a result.  It will have been frightening for residents and serves absolutely no purpose but to disrupt.

 “These attacks only succeed in galvanising the determination of law abiding citizens to make sure these people do not impose their will and disrupt normal life.

“I commend the swift actions of the PSNI in clearing the area and evacuating the residents in a safe and orderly manner and the technical officers for making the device safe."

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