Ulster Unionist Justice spokesman, Tom Elliott MLA, has welcomed the findings of the senior coroner who last week called for manslaughter charges to be brought against the drug dealers behind recent deaths.
Mr Elliott said:
“It is unusual for a coroner of Mr Leckey’s standing to make so clear a ruling. He has left no doubt where blame lies for the tragic events surrounding these deaths, costing us far too many young lives. Those dealing in drugs are responsible for killing dozens of our young people and yet they are free to operate day and night across the country.
“It doesn’t matter if it is someone trying to make a quick buck, or the leader of one of the criminal or paramilitary gangs, the responsibility rests with them all and they should face justice. Sadly few will come forwards with the necessary information, whether through fear or a perverse sense of loyalty, they keep quiet while others suffer.
“I would once again express my sincere sympathy to Miss Devlin’s family and I hope that there is no further similar suffering. If anyone knows who supplied the deadly substances please tell the police and help save other lives.”