Following the publication of the statement on the June Monitoring Round, an Ulster Unionist Party spokesperson said:
“Minister Danny Kennedy abstained from the vote today as there are elements of this paper we are deeply discontent with. The very harsh reality is that services are facing cuts. The Department of Regional Development will be forced to look at services such as road maintenance and street lighting.
“We are also totally disgusted that the Executive is not going to fully fund the concessionary fares scheme - one of their own priorities. This scheme is something the Ulster Unionist Party is passionate about and Danny Kennedy will fight to protect it.
“While Sinn Fein may be good negotiators they aren’t good at government. Today was a demonstration of voodoo economics. While they may try and spin the June Monitoring Round as a victory, all they have done is kick the can down the road. We are only eight weeks away from the next monitoring round. Sinn Fein need to stop living in a political unreality.”